home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 16 Mouse
- 17 Keyboard
- 18 Joystick %d
- 19 Microsoft DirectInput
- 20 Microsoft DirectInputDevice
- 21 %d axis, %d button %s
- 22 joystick
- 23 joystick
- 24 flight yoke
- 25 gamepad
- 26 rudder
- 27 race car controller
- 28 Button %d
- 29 Axis %d
- 30 POV %d
- 31 Collection %d
- 32 Collection %d - %s
- 33 Gameport %d
- 34 Serialport %d
- 35 Unknown %d
- 36 Unknown %d
- 256 X-axis
- 257 Y-axis
- 258 Wheel
- 259 Button 0
- 260 Button 1
- 261 Button 2
- 262 Button 3
- 263 Button 4
- 264 Button 5
- 265 Button 6
- 266 Button 7
- 513 Escape
- 514 1
- 515 2
- 516 3
- 517 4
- 518 5
- 519 6
- 520 7
- 521 8
- 522 9
- 523 0
- 524 -
- 525 =
- 526 Backspace
- 527 Tab
- 528 Q
- 529 W
- 530 E
- 531 R
- 532 T
- 533 Y
- 534 U
- 535 I
- 536 O
- 537 P
- 538 [
- 539 ]
- 540 Enter
- 541 Left Ctrl
- 542 A
- 543 S
- 544 D
- 545 F
- 546 G
- 547 H
- 548 J
- 549 K
- 550 L
- 551 ;
- 552 '
- 553 `
- 554 Left Shift
- 555 \
- 556 Z
- 557 X
- 558 C
- 559 V
- 560 B
- 561 N
- 562 M
- 563 ,
- 564 .
- 565 /
- 566 Right Shift
- 567 Numpad *
- 568 Left Alt
- 569 Space
- 570 CapsLock
- 571 F1
- 572 F2
- 573 F3
- 574 F4
- 575 F5
- 576 F6
- 577 F7
- 578 F8
- 579 F9
- 580 F10
- 581 NumLock
- 582 ScrollLock
- 583 Numpad 7
- 584 Numpad 8
- 585 Numpad 9
- 586 Numpad -
- 587 Numpad 4
- 588 Numpad 5
- 589 Numpad 6
- 590 Numpad +
- 591 Numpad 1
- 592 Numpad 2
- 593 Numpad 3
- 594 Numpad 0
- 595 Numpad .
- 598 OEM Key 102
- 599 F11
- 600 F12
- 612 F13
- 613 F14
- 614 F15
- 624 Kana
- 627 Non-US / ?
- 633 Convert
- 635 No Convert
- 637 Yen
- 638 Non-US Numpad .
- 653 Numpad =
- 656 Prev Track
- 657 @
- 658 :
- 659 _
- 660 Xfer
- 661 Stop
- 662 AX
- 663 Unlabeled
- 665 Next Track
- 668 Numpad Enter
- 669 Right Ctrl
- 672 Mute
- 673 Calculator
- 674 Play/Pause
- 676 Media Stop
- 686 Volume -
- 688 Volume +
- 690 Web/Home
- 691 Numpad ,
- 693 Numpad /
- 695 SysRq
- 696 Right Alt
- 709 Pause
- 711 Home
- 712 Up Arrow
- 713 PgUp
- 715 Left Arrow
- 717 Right Arrow
- 719 End
- 720 Down Arrow
- 721 PgDn
- 722 Insert
- 723 Delete
- 731 Left Win
- 732 Right Win
- 733 AppMenu
- 734 Power
- 735 Sleep
- 739 Wake
- 741 Search
- 742 Favorites
- 743 Refresh
- 744 Web Stop
- 745 Forward
- 746 Back
- 747 My Computer
- 748 Mail
- 749 Media
- 768 X-axis
- 769 Y-axis
- 770 Z-axis
- 771 Rx-axis
- 772 Ry-axis
- 773 Rz-axis
- 774 U-axis
- 775 V-axis
- 776 X-velocity
- 777 Y-velocity
- 778 Z-velocity
- 779 Rx-velocity
- 780 Ry-velocity
- 781 Rz-velocity
- 782 U-velocity
- 783 V-velocity
- 784 X-acceleration
- 785 Y-acceleration
- 786 Z-acceleration
- 787 Rx-acceleration
- 788 Ry-acceleration
- 789 Rz-acceleration
- 790 U-acceleration
- 791 V-acceleration
- 792 X-force
- 793 Y-force
- 794 Z-force
- 795 Rx-force
- 796 Ry-force
- 797 Rz-force
- 798 U-force
- 799 V-force
- 1026 2-axis, 2-button joystick
- 1027 2-axis, 4-button joystick
- 1028 2-button gamepad
- 1029 2-button flight yoke
- 1030 2-button flight yoke w/throttle
- 1031 3-axis, 2-button joystick
- 1032 3-axis, 4-button joystick
- 1033 4-button gamepad
- 1034 4-button flight yoke
- 1035 4-button flight yoke w/throttle
- 1036 Two 2-axis, 2-button joysticks on one gameport
- 1537 Pointer
- 1538 Mouse
- 1540 Joystick
- 1541 Game Pad
- 1542 Keyboard
- 1543 Keypad
- 1584 X Axis
- 1585 Y Axis
- 1586 Z Axis
- 1587 X Rotation
- 1588 Y Rotation
- 1589 Z Rotation
- 1590 Slider
- 1591 Dial
- 1592 Wheel
- 1593 Hat Switch
- 1594 Counted Buffer
- 1595 Byte Count
- 1596 Motion Wakeup
- 1600 X Velocity
- 1601 Y Velocity
- 1602 Z Velocity
- 1603 X Velocity Relative to Body
- 1604 Y Velocity Relative to Body
- 1605 Z Velocity Relative to Body
- 1606 Non-oriented vector
- 1664 System Controls
- 1665 System Power
- 1666 System Sleep
- 1667 System Wake Up
- 1668 System Context Menu
- 1669 System Main Menu
- 1670 System App Menu
- 1671 System Help Menu
- 1672 System Menu Exit
- 1673 System Menu Select
- 1674 System Menu Right
- 1675 System Menu Left
- 1676 System Menu Up
- 1677 System Menu Down
- 2049 Flight Simulation Device
- 2050 Automobile Simulation Device
- 2051 Tank Simulation Device
- 2052 Spaceship Simulation Device
- 2053 Submarine Simulation Device
- 2054 Sailing Simulation Device
- 2055 Motorcycle Simulation Device
- 2056 Sports Simulation Device
- 2057 Airplane Simulation Device
- 2058 Helicopter Simulation Device
- 2059 Magic Carpet Simulation Device
- 2060 Bicycle Simulation Device
- 2080 Flight Control Stick
- 2081 Flight Stick
- 2082 Cyclic Control
- 2083 Cyclic Trim
- 2084 Flight Yoke
- 2085 Track Control
- 2224 Aileron
- 2225 Aileron Trim
- 2226 Anti-Torque Control
- 2227 Auto-pilot Enable
- 2228 Chaff Release
- 2229 Collective Control
- 2230 Dive Brake
- 2231 Electronic Countermeasures
- 2232 Elevator
- 2233 Elevator Trim
- 2234 Rudder
- 2235 Throttle
- 2236 Flight Communications
- 2237 Flare Release
- 2238 Landing Gear
- 2239 Toe Brake
- 2240 Trigger
- 2241 Weapons Arm
- 2242 Weapons Select
- 2243 Wing Flaps
- 2244 Accelerator
- 2245 Brake
- 2246 Clutch
- 2247 Shifter
- 2248 Steering
- 2249 Turret Direction
- 2250 Barrel Elevation
- 2251 Dive Plane
- 2252 Ballast
- 2253 Bicycle Crank
- 2254 Handle Bars
- 2255 Front Brake
- 2256 Rear Brake
- 2561 Belt
- 2562 Body Suit
- 2563 Flexor
- 2564 Glove
- 2565 Head Tracker
- 2566 Head Mounted Display
- 2567 Hand Tracker
- 2568 Oculometer
- 2569 Vest
- 2570 Animatronic Device
- 2592 Stereo Enable
- 2593 Display Enable
- 3073 Baseball Bat
- 3074 Golf Club
- 3075 Rowing Machine
- 3076 Treadmill
- 3120 Oar
- 3121 Slope
- 3122 Rate
- 3123 Stick Speed
- 3124 Stick Face Angle
- 3125 Stick Heel/Toe
- 3126 Stick Follow Through
- 3127 Stick Tempo
- 3128 Stick Type
- 3129 Stick Height
- 3152 Putter
- 3153 1 Iron
- 3154 2 Iron
- 3155 3 Iron
- 3156 4 Iron
- 3157 5 Iron
- 3158 6 Iron
- 3159 7 Iron
- 3160 8 Iron
- 3161 9 Iron
- 3162 10 Iron
- 3163 11 Iron
- 3164 Sand Wedge
- 3165 Loft Wedge
- 3166 Power Wedge
- 3167 1 Wood
- 3168 3 Wood
- 3169 5 Wood
- 3170 7 Wood
- 3171 9 Wood
- 3585 3D Game Controller
- 3586 Pinball Device
- 3587 Gun Device
- 3616 Point of View
- 3617 Turn Right/Left
- 3618 Pitch Right/Left
- 3619 Roll Forward/Backward
- 3620 Move Right/Left
- 3621 Move Forward/Backward
- 3622 Move Up/Down
- 3623 Lean Right/Left
- 3624 Lean Forward/Backward
- 3625 Height of POV
- 3626 Flipper
- 3627 Secondary Flipper
- 3628 Bump
- 3629 New Game
- 3630 Shoot Ball
- 3631 Player
- 3632 Gun Bolt
- 3633 Gun Clip
- 3634 Gun Selector
- 3635 Gun Single Shot
- 3636 Gun Burst
- 3637 Gun Automatic
- 3638 Gun Safety
- 4097 Num Lock LED
- 4098 Caps Lock LED
- 4099 Scroll Lock LED
- 4100 Compose LED
- 4101 Kana LED
- 4102 Power LED
- 4103 Shift LED
- 4104 Do Not Disturb LED
- 4105 Mute LED
- 4106 Tone Enable LED
- 4107 High Cut Filter LED
- 4108 Low Cut Filter LED
- 4109 Equalizer Enable LED
- 4110 Sound Field On LED
- 4111 Surround Field On LED
- 4112 Repeat LED
- 4113 Stereo LED
- 4114 Sample Rate Detect LED
- 4115 Spinning LED
- 4116 CAV LED
- 4117 CLV LED
- 4118 Recording Format Detect LED
- 4119 Off-Hook LED
- 4120 Ring LED
- 4121 Message Waiting LED
- 4122 Data Mode LED
- 4123 Battery Operation LED
- 4124 Battery OK LED
- 4125 Battery Low LED
- 4126 Speaker LED
- 4127 Head Set LED
- 4128 Hold LED
- 4129 Microphone LED
- 4130 Coverage LED
- 4131 Night Mode LED
- 4132 Send calls LED
- 4133 Call Pickup LED
- 4134 Conference LED
- 4135 Stand-by LED
- 4136 Camera On LED
- 4137 Camera Off LED
- 4138 On-Line LED
- 4139 Off-Line LED
- 4140 Busy LED
- 4141 Ready LED
- 4142 Paper-Out LED
- 4143 Paper-Jam LED
- 4144 Remote LED
- 4145 Forward LED
- 4146 Reverse LED
- 4147 Stop LED
- 4148 Rewind LED
- 4149 Fast Forward LED
- 4150 Play LED
- 4151 Pause LED
- 4152 Record LED
- 4153 Error LED
- 4154 Selected Indicator
- 4155 In Use Indicator
- 4156 Multi Mode Indicator
- 4157 Indicator On
- 4158 Indicator Flash
- 4159 Indicator Slow Blink
- 4160 Indicator Fast Blink
- 4161 Indicator Off
- 4162 Flash On Time
- 4163 Slow Blink On Time
- 4164 Slow Blink Off Time
- 4165 Fast Blink On Time
- 4166 Fast Blink Off Time
- 4167 Indicator Color
- 4168 Indicator Red
- 4169 Indicator Green
- 4170 Indicator Amber
- 4171 Generic Indicator
- 4172 System Suspend
- 4173 External Power Connected
- 4609 Phone
- 4610 Answering Machine
- 4611 Message Controls
- 4612 Handset
- 4613 Headset
- 4614 Telephony Key Pad
- 4615 Programmable Button
- 4640 Hook Switch
- 4641 Flash
- 4642 Feature
- 4643 Hold
- 4644 Redial
- 4645 Transfer
- 4646 Drop
- 4647 Park
- 4648 Forward Calls
- 4649 Alternate Function
- 4650 Line
- 4651 Speaker Phone
- 4652 Conference
- 4653 Ring Enable
- 4654 Ring Select
- 4655 Phone Mute
- 4656 Caller ID
- 4688 Speed Dial
- 4689 Store Number
- 4690 Recall Number
- 4691 Phone Directory
- 4720 Voice Mail
- 4721 Screen Calls
- 4722 Do Not Disturb
- 4723 Message
- 4724 Answer On/Off
- 4752 Inside Dial Tone
- 4753 Outside Dial Tone
- 4754 Inside Ring Tone
- 4755 Outside Ring Tone
- 4756 Priority Ring Tone
- 4757 Inside Ringback
- 4758 Priority
- 4759 Line Busy Tone
- 4760 Reorder Tone
- 4761 Call Waiting Tone
- 4762 Confirmation Tone 1
- 4763 Confirmation Tone 2
- 4764 Tones Off
- 4765 Outside Ringback
- 4784 Phone Key 0
- 4785 Phone Key 1
- 4786 Phone Key 2
- 4787 Phone Key 3
- 4788 Phone Key 4
- 4789 Phone Key 5
- 4790 Phone Key 6
- 4791 Phone Key 7
- 4792 Phone Key 8
- 4793 Phone Key 9
- 4794 Phone Key Star
- 4795 Phone Key Pound
- 4796 Phone Key A
- 4797 Phone Key B
- 4798 Phone Key C
- 4799 Phone Key D
- 5121 Consumer Control
- 5122 Numeric Key Pad
- 5152 +10
- 5153 +100
- 5154 AM/PM
- 5168 Power
- 5169 Reset
- 5170 Sleep
- 5171 Sleep After
- 5172 Sleep Mode
- 5173 Illumination
- 5174 Function Buttons
- 5184 Menu
- 5185 Menu Pick
- 5186 Menu Up
- 5187 Menu Down
- 5188 Menu Left
- 5189 Menu Right
- 5190 Menu Escape
- 5191 Menu Value Increase
- 5192 Menu Value Decrease
- 5216 Data On Screen
- 5217 Closed Caption
- 5218 Closed Caption Select
- 5219 VCR/TV
- 5220 Broadcast Mode
- 5221 Snapshot
- 5222 Still
- 5248 Selection
- 5249 Assign Selection
- 5250 Mode Step
- 5251 Recall Last
- 5252 Enter Channel
- 5253 Order Movie
- 5254 Channel
- 5255 Media Selection
- 5256 Media Select Computer
- 5257 Media Select TV
- 5258 Media Select WWW
- 5259 Media Select DVD
- 5260 Media Select Telephone
- 5261 Media Select Program Guide
- 5262 Media Select Video Phone
- 5263 Media Select Games
- 5264 Media Select Messages
- 5265 Media Select CD
- 5266 Media Select VCR
- 5267 Media Select Tuner
- 5268 Quit
- 5269 Help
- 5270 Media Select Tape
- 5271 Media Select Cable
- 5272 Media Select Satellite
- 5273 Media Select Security
- 5274 Media Select Home
- 5275 Media Select Call
- 5276 Channel Increment
- 5277 Channel Decrement
- 5280 VCR Plus
- 5281 Once
- 5282 Daily
- 5283 Weekly
- 5284 Monthly
- 5296 Play
- 5297 Pause
- 5298 Record
- 5299 Fast Forward
- 5300 Rewind
- 5301 Scan Next Track
- 5302 Scan Previous Track
- 5303 Stop
- 5304 Eject
- 5305 Random Play
- 5306 Select Disc
- 5307 Enter Disc
- 5308 Repeat
- 5309 Tracking
- 5310 Track Normal
- 5311 Slow Tracking
- 5312 Frame Forward
- 5313 Frame Back
- 5314 Mark
- 5315 Clear Mark
- 5316 Repeat From Mark
- 5317 Return To Mark
- 5318 Search Mark Forward
- 5319 Search Mark Backwards
- 5320 Counter Reset
- 5321 Show Counter
- 5322 Tracking Increment
- 5323 Tracking Decrement
- 5324 Stop/Eject
- 5325 Play/Pause
- 5326 Play/Skip
- 5344 Volume
- 5345 Balance
- 5346 Mute
- 5347 Bass
- 5348 Treble
- 5349 Bass Boost
- 5350 Surround Mode
- 5351 Loudness
- 5352 MPX
- 5353 Volume Increment
- 5354 Volume Decrement
- 5360 Speed Select
- 5361 Playback Speed
- 5362 Standard Play
- 5363 Long Play
- 5364 Extended Play
- 5365 Slow
- 5376 Fan Enable
- 5377 Fan Speed
- 5378 Light Enable
- 5379 Light Illumination Level
- 5380 Climate Control Enable
- 5381 Room Temperature
- 5382 Security Enable
- 5383 Fire Alarm
- 5384 Police Alarm
- 5456 Balance Right
- 5457 Balance Left
- 5458 Bass Increment
- 5459 Bass Decrement
- 5460 Treble Increment
- 5461 Treble Decrement
- 5633 Digitizer
- 5634 Pen
- 5635 Light Pen
- 5636 Touch Screen
- 5637 Touch Pad
- 5638 White Board
- 5639 Coordinate Measuring Machine
- 5640 3-D Digitizer
- 5641 Stereo Plotter
- 5642 Articulated Arm
- 5643 Armature
- 5644 Multiple Point Digitizer
- 5645 Free Space Wand
- 5664 Stylus
- 5665 Puck
- 5666 Finger
- 5680 Tip Pressure
- 5681 Barrel Pressure
- 5682 In Range
- 5683 Touch
- 5684 Untouch
- 5685 Tap
- 5686 Quality
- 5687 Data Valid
- 5688 Transducer Index
- 5689 Tablet Function Keys
- 5690 Program Change Keys
- 5691 Battery Strength
- 5692 Invert
- 5693 X Tilt
- 5694 Y Tilt
- 5695 Azimuth
- 5696 Altitude
- 5697 Twist
- 5698 Tip Switch
- 5699 Secondary Tip Switch
- 5700 Barrel Switch
- 5701 Eraser
- 5702 Tablet Pick
- 6144 No event
- 6145 Keyboard rollover error
- 6146 Keyboard POST Fail
- 6147 Keyboard Error
- 6148 A
- 6149 B
- 6150 C
- 6151 D
- 6152 E
- 6153 F
- 6154 G
- 6155 H
- 6156 I
- 6157 J
- 6158 K
- 6159 L
- 6160 M
- 6161 N
- 6162 O
- 6163 P
- 6164 Q
- 6165 R
- 6166 S
- 6167 T
- 6168 U
- 6169 V
- 6170 W
- 6171 X
- 6172 Y
- 6173 Z
- 6174 1
- 6175 2
- 6176 3
- 6177 4
- 6178 5
- 6179 6
- 6180 7
- 6181 8
- 6182 9
- 6183 0
- 6184 Enter
- 6185 Escape
- 6186 Backspace
- 6187 Tab
- 6188 Space
- 6189 -
- 6190 =
- 6191 [
- 6192 ]
- 6193 \
- 6194 #
- 6195 ;
- 6196 '
- 6197 `
- 6198 ,
- 6199 .
- 6200 /
- 6201 CapsLock
- 6202 F1
- 6203 F2
- 6204 F3
- 6205 F4
- 6206 F5
- 6207 F6
- 6208 F7
- 6209 F8
- 6210 F9
- 6211 F10
- 6212 F11
- 6213 F12
- 6214 PrtSc
- 6215 ScrollLock
- 6216 Pause
- 6217 Insert
- 6218 Home
- 6219 PgUp
- 6220 Delete
- 6221 End
- 6222 PgDn
- 6223 Right Arrow
- 6224 Left Arrow
- 6225 Down Arrow
- 6226 Up Arrow
- 6227 NumLock
- 6228 Numpad /
- 6229 Numpad *
- 6230 Numpad -
- 6231 Numpad +
- 6232 Numpad Enter
- 6233 Numpad 1
- 6234 Numpad 2
- 6235 Numpad 3
- 6236 Numpad 4
- 6237 Numpad 5
- 6238 Numpad 6
- 6239 Numpad 7
- 6240 Numpad 8
- 6241 Numpad 9
- 6242 Numpad 0
- 6243 Numpad .
- 6244 Alternate \
- 6245 Application
- 6246 Power
- 6247 Numpad =
- 6248 F13
- 6249 F14
- 6250 F15
- 6251 F16
- 6252 F17
- 6253 F18
- 6254 F19
- 6255 F20
- 6256 F21
- 6257 F22
- 6258 F23
- 6259 F24
- 6260 Execute
- 6261 Help
- 6262 Menu
- 6263 Select
- 6264 Stop
- 6265 Again
- 6266 Undo
- 6267 Cut
- 6268 Copy
- 6269 Paste
- 6270 Find
- 6271 Mute
- 6272 Volume Up
- 6273 Volume Down
- 6274 Locking CapsLock
- 6275 Locking NumLock
- 6276 Locking ScrollLock
- 6277 Numpad ,
- 6278 Numpad =
- 6279 Kanji1
- 6280 Kanji2
- 6281 Kanji3
- 6282 Kanji4
- 6283 Kanji5
- 6284 Kanji6
- 6285 Kanji7
- 6286 Kanji8
- 6287 Kanji9
- 6288 Lang1
- 6289 Lang2
- 6290 Lang3
- 6291 Lang4
- 6292 Lang5
- 6293 Lang6
- 6294 Lang7
- 6295 Lang8
- 6296 Lang9
- 6297 Alternate Erase
- 6298 SysReq
- 6299 Cancel
- 6300 Clear
- 6301 Prior
- 6302 Return
- 6303 Separator
- 6304 Out
- 6305 Oper
- 6306 Clear/Again
- 6307 CrSel/Props
- 6308 ExSel
- 6368 Left Ctrl
- 6369 Left Shift
- 6370 Left Alt
- 6371 Left Win
- 6372 Right Ctrl
- 6373 Right Shift
- 6374 Right Alt
- 6375 Right Win
- 6657 Physical Interface Device
- 6688 Normal
- 6689 Set Effect Report
- 6690 Effect Block Index
- 6691 Parameter Block Offset
- 6692 ROM Flag
- 6693 Effect Type
- 6694 ET Constant Force
- 6695 ET Ramp
- 6696 ET Custom Force Data
- 6704 ET Square
- 6705 ET Sine
- 6706 ET Triangle
- 6707 ET SawTooth Up
- 6708 ET SawTooth Down
- 6720 ET Spring
- 6721 ET Damper
- 6722 ET Inertia
- 6723 ET Friction
- 6736 Duration
- 6737 Sample Period
- 6738 Gain
- 6739 Trigger Button
- 6740 Trigger Repeat Interval
- 6741 Axes Enable
- 6742 Direction Enable
- 6743 Direction
- 6744 Type Specific Block Offset
- 6745 Block Type
- 6746 Set Envelope Report
- 6747 Attack Level
- 6748 Attack Time
- 6749 Fade Level
- 6750 Fade Time
- 6751 Set Condition Report
- 6752 CP Offset
- 6753 Positive Coefficient
- 6754 Negative Coefficient
- 6755 Positive Saturation
- 6756 Negative Saturation
- 6757 Dead Band
- 6758 Download Force Sample
- 6759 Isoch Custom Force Enable
- 6760 Custom Force Data Report
- 6761 Custom Force Data
- 6762 Custom Force Vendor Defined Data
- 6763 Set Custom Force Report
- 6764 Custom Force Data Offset
- 6765 Sample Count
- 6766 Set Periodic Report
- 6767 Offset
- 6768 Magnitude
- 6769 Phase
- 6770 Period
- 6771 Set Constant Force Report
- 6772 Set Ramp Force Report
- 6773 Ramp Start
- 6774 Ramp End
- 6775 Effect Operation Report
- 6776 Effect Operation
- 6777 Op Effect Start
- 6778 Op Effect Start Solo
- 6779 Op Effect Stop
- 6780 Loop Count
- 6781 Device Gain Report
- 6782 Device Gain
- 6783 PID Pool Report
- 6784 RAM Pool Size
- 6785 ROM Pool Size
- 6786 ROM Effect Block Count
- 6787 Simultaneous Effects Max
- 6788 Pool Alignment
- 6789 PID Pool Move Report
- 6790 Move Source
- 6791 Move Destination
- 6792 Move Length
- 6793 PID Block Load Report
- 6794 Handshake Key
- 6795 Block Load Status
- 6796 Block Load Success
- 6797 Block Load Full
- 6798 Blodk Load Error
- 6799 Block Handle
- 6800 PID Block Free Report
- 6801 Type Specific Block Handle
- 6802 PID State Report
- 6803 PID Effect State
- 6804 Effect Playing
- 6805 PID Device Control Report
- 6806 PID Device Control
- 6807 DC Enable Actuators
- 6808 DC Disable Actuators
- 6809 DC Stop All Effects
- 6810 DC Device Reset
- 6811 DV Device Pause
- 6812 DC Device Continue
- 6815 Device Paused
- 6816 Actuators Enabled
- 6820 Safety Switch
- 6821 Actuator Override Switch
- 6822 Actuator Power
- 6823 Start Delay
- 6824 Parameter Block Size
- 6825 Device Managed Pool
- 6826 Shared Parameter Blocks
- 6827 Create New Effect
- 8192 HID Game Controller
- 8193 %s%s%d axis %d button %s%s
- 8194 :
- 8195 joystick
- 8196 flight yoke
- 8197 gamepad
- 8198 car controller
- 8199 head tracker
- 8200 with POV hat